Where have I been?
Just not blogging as much as I should be.
I'm currently in Phase 2 of RevAbs - having moved myself to the second phase earlier than suggested. I'm not trying to be all cool when I say, I needed to be challenged harder.
Phase 1 was NOT easy. There was one move, however, on which I couldn't increase my weight AND stick to the "form is fundamental" agreement that I'd made with Brett Hoebel. So, knowing that I wasn't going to be picking up heavier weights, I realized I would need to move forward, to Phase 2, to experience a bigger challenge.
I am enjoying it.
Mainly I am enjoying that I am strong.
Yeah, I said that.
I am so much stronger than I was in my 20's, and, well, for a 42 year old mother of two who has never been a huge athlete, it is refreshing.
2012 will be ushered in with P90X2. And, you know what? Where P90X scared the pants off me, P90X2 doesn't. Not that I'll be able to conquer it easy peasy. No way. But, I KNOW I CAN BRING MY BEST.
I'd love to get YOU in a Challenge Group of five people BEFORE the new year hits. Choose a program, add Shakeology, bring on the accountability. I'm looking for 5 committed individuals who are ready to up the ante.
Are you one of them?