Thursday, May 5, 2011

Turbo Jam Success Story: Lynette

You've heard my story. I can't seem to shut-up about it.

You've heard Alicia's story.

Guess what? We're not the only happy customers.

There's Lynette.

Mom of three. Wife. Doctor. Busy. Like you.

Lynette has been following my Beachbody story for quite some time now. Only three months ago she took the leap herself with some Turbo Jam. As a former dancer, she had a pre-requisite that the program be fun. And have terrific music.

Chalene to the rescue.

Within weeks, Lynette was hooked. In preparation for her completion of Turbo Jam, she purchased ChaLEAN Extreme. Now, this is a chick who admittedly hasn't been consistent with exercise for 20 years. Someone who works 30 hours shifts at times. A mom and wife who somehow managed to get her Turbos in POST CALL. She is a testament to someone who, to put it bluntly, had "HAD IT!" Enough. Time to change. (I get it.)

Shakeology came next. Even doctors struggle to eat healthy. It's true. Shakeology provides Lynette with 17 grams of protein,  140 calories, and over 70 healthy ingredients. Just what our good doc needs to be eating in between seeing patients.

Enough from me. Here's Lynette. Way to go, my friend!

To think that just three short months ago I was unhappy with my body and feeling lost in all of the stresses of day to day life. It feels great to be back in charge! Life is still stressful, but now I feel better equipped to handle it.

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