How's your workout going?
Mine's all new. And parts of it really mess with my head.
Like pull-ups and chin-ups.
Push-ups were my original nemesis during ChaLEAN Extreme. And while they are now challenging me even more so during P90X than they did on CLX, I do feel a bit more prepared and able to keep up (even if I drop to my knees and eventually eat carpet).
But with the pull-ups and chin-ups I have moments of, "Will I ever be able to lift my body up without the assistance of a chair?"
I have one glitch that I need to attend to before Monday's chest and back workout - sweaty palms. I either need some gloves, or need to spray the bar down with something tacky, for my bar doesn't have spongy grips on it. I do think this will help, for there's no question that I'm getting stronger everyday. I just can't hang on. Slippage.
Imagine me standing there, staring up at the contraption I bought myself for Christmas. Yes, I bought a pull-up bar with Christmas money. I want a return on my investment. And I'll get it.
Let's talk about your workout for a moment.
Is it challenging?
Is there an exercise you can not do easily?
P90X is challenging. P90X is not easy. P90X is for me what marathons are for some. I want to be a P90X'er and it won't be an easy process for me. But I don't want same 'ole, same 'ole with my fitness routine. I want to be moving forward. And moving forward means choosing challenges that I can not complete on Day 1. Or, Day 11.
But at the end of the 90 days, I am assured that I will see results.
Results like rocking at least a pull-up or two, sans the chair.
Pull-ups? I'm talkin' to you. Yeah, you. I'm comin' for you.
But first, a hot shower. And maybe a little Biofreeze.
Hey Joline!
ReplyDeleteFor slippy hands I recommend just tossing a kitchen towel over the bar, and then wrapping your hands around that. That's how us OSU rowers keep our hands dry and the pull-up bars from pulling off our hard earned callouses. (Sorry if that's Too Much Information :))
Good luck!
Thanks, chick! What an easy and cheap fix! Will try on Monday.