Monday, January 3, 2011

Bringin' It: But It Ain't Pretty

And so, it has begun.

My journey through the world of P90X.

How did DAY ONE go?

Here are some random thoughts from this first-time P90X'er:

  • Push-ups. I thought ChaLEAN Extreme had prepared me for the push-ups.  No, CLX gave me the STRENGTH to go from doing 12 push-ups on my knees to 12 push-up on my toes.  In P90X we do a zillion push-ups.  I found I had to drop to my knees during several reps of:  regular, wide, military, diamond, and decline.  5 different styles of push-ups.  No mercy.
  • Pull-ups.  Pulling up my body weight is INSANE.  I can not even do one pull-up without the use of a chair.  I was successfully pushing out about 10-15 this way, being mindful of not putting too much pressure on my foot for assistance, but, even so, by golly, this is tough.  I can't even envision the day when I don't need the help of a chair - although I know the day is out there.
  • Effort.  I tried to eek out "one more rep" on a number of exercises, but sometimes after stopping, I felt (wondered) that maybe I stopped before I should have.  Maybe I wasn't trying hard enough??????? (Aw geeze, Joline, shut-up!  I AM DOING P90X!)
  • This is a lot of food. I am totally following the meal plan and could not believe the size of my omelet at breakfast today.  Talk about good, clean, fuel.  I certainly won't be going hungry while eating 1650-1700 calories.
I did take a new "before" photo last night, and measurements.  And while my measurements weren't at my Post-ChaLEAN results, they weren't back to my "Pre-ChaLEAN" numbers either.  This was encouraging.

Biggest visual shock?  The stomach area.  While I really toned this up in CLX, I can see how a few months of not being as consistent, combined with holiday fun in the form of yummy food, has had it's toll on my mid-section.

We'll get rid of that lickity-split.  Just you wait and see.

I'm doing this program with over 20 other people.  Accountability rocks.

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