Friday, April 16, 2010

Share Your Goals: Unless, that is, you're too chicken

Yeah, I went there.

I was shakin' to Burn Circuit 3 this morning, when Chalene said, "Share your goals." Well, obviously I have no problem doing this. I blog constantly, I Facebook my life, and I yap a ton about what I am trying to accomplish in my life.


Because I talk to so many people, mainly women, who are a bit aimless with goals. There may be a desire to be or do or experience something new, and yet, there's NO TARGET.

How are you going to reach a goal without focusing on a specifically marked target out in front? Without a target you are aiming at, well, nothing. Yeah. That's effective.

I have goals. They are lofty.

Physically: I need to lose about 15 more pounds. (Please don't read this and think, "Joline, you are fine. You don't need to lose any weight." I get that a lot. It infuriates me. That is my goal. Let me have my goal). The weight I'm at right now does not fit my life-style or personality. My number goal is not unreasonable. I spent years at that goal - all while working out and eating well. Thus, on Chalene's program there is no reason why I can't reach my target once again.

Spiritually: I am a hit or miss pray-er. My goal this year is to pray for my husband and children daily. I've been on and off. I keep a notebook for them, and haven't touched it in a few weeks. That doesn't mean I haven't prayed, but my notebook is my accountability, so I must return to it.

Mentally: Still digging away at those writing goals. One article submitted somewhere each month. So far, so good.

Emotionally: Choose friendships that uplift me, activities that refresh me, and choices that help me secure my mask (think airplane travel) before securing the mask of others. Think about it. Who am I going to assist if I'm passed out on the floor?

Professionally: Sell my pink products to my pink loving customers, and get everyone I can on a steady workout program through Beachbody. I am so committed to this new effort that I am passionate about finding new coaches to join me. For both, I'll leave the naysayer's alone. They just give me cramps.

There is nothing wrong with communicating your goals. Give it a shot. Maybe you will surprise yourself by actually reaching the target. Maybe even hitting the bulls-eye.

Shake and bake, baby.

That's how I like to deal with chicken. Free range, of course.